In today's post, schools in Madhya Pradesh's school education department's class 12th. I am going to make you aware about the question paper of the pre board examination of the subject of biology, as you all know, in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India, three examinations of class 12th are mainly conducted, out of which the quarterly examination, half yearly examination, yearly. Exams come Apart from this, before the annual examinations, the students of class 10th and 12th appeared in the pre board By preparing for the pre board exam, students get the best marks in the annual examination.

So which post are you in? Madhya Pradesh School Education Department will see the question paper of class 12th biology subject pre board. Also, Indians living all over the world are requested if they are residing anywhere in any country whether America Australia, Japan Germany UK, Sweden, France, Norway Russia, China, Australia, New Zealand etc. If you can, please if any student in his house is in class XII and is studying with biology subject, then he should see it and understand that what are the types of question papers of class 12th in India and the countries in which he is living, In the countries where you are studying, what type of question paper is prepared in class 12th Twelfth Standard.

To know how, in a way, he can also see by comparing it, so let us read what is the format of Madhya Pradesh School Education Department's class XII pre board exam question paper and what type of question paper is organized here ? 


Class - XII  


 Subject - Biology 

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  


(i) All questions are compulsory. 

(ii) Question No. 1 to 4 are objective type. Each question carries 1 × 7 = 7 Marks Total  marks are 7 × 4 = 28

(iii) Internal options are given in question nos. 5 to 19 

(v) Marks of each question are indicated against it. 

(v) Answer question nos. 5 to 12 in about 30 words each. 

(vi) Answer question nos. 13 to 16 in about 75 words each. 

(vii) Answer question nos. 17 in about 120 words . 

(viii) Answer question nos. 18 to 19 in about 150 words each. 

(ix) Draw neat and clean labelled diagram wherever required. 

1 Choose and write the correct Alternative 1x7=7 

(i) When both male and female structures are found in the same plant then they are called-

 (a) Homosexual (b) Bisexual (c) heterosexual (d) All of above 

 (ii) Which among the following is the part of stamen - 

             (a) Ovary (b) Style (c) Connective (d) Stigma 

(iii) How many sperm are formed from 100 primary spermatocyte- 

      (a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 300 (d) 400 

(iv) Which one of the following pair is heterozygous- 

     (a) TT  (b)   Tt    (c) tt    (d) RR 

(v) Which one of the following codon represents methionine - 

                 (a) AUG (b) AUA (c) AGA (d) AAG 

(vi) Malaria disease is caused by - 

              (a) Protozoan parasite (b) annelid parasites(c) Arthropoda parasite (d) All 

(vii) Which among the following is the correct statement about Palindrome-

   (a) It is set of base pair in DNA which reads equally in both direction. 

 (b) It is set of base pair in DNA which reads differently in both direction. 

(c) It is type of Ribose sugar in DNA  

 (d) It is type of Phosphoric acid in DNA

2. Fill in the blanks with correct answer :- 1x7=7 

(i) In most plant ovary develops in----------------------

(ii) The study of human population is called as ……………. . 

(iii) Scientist Mendel has proposed total----------------------laws of inheritance . 

(iv) ---------------------- gland is the endocrine gland which is large at the birth but decreases along with the  age . 

(v) Conversion of milk to curd takes place with the help of ---------------------- micro-organism. (vi) The full form of GMO is ---------------------- 

(vii) The organism which can tolerate wide range of temperature are called ---------------------- organisms. 

3.Match the column ‘A’ with ‘B’ :- 

 ‘A’                                       ‘B’ 1x7=7 

(i) Lymphocyte                a) methane 

(ii) Biofertilizer                 b) two polypeptide chains 

(iii) Biogas                        c) lymph 

(iv) Insulin                        d) identification of disease 

(v) Bt                                 e) ++ relation  

(vi) ELISA technique       f) + - relation 

(vii) Mutualism                 g) nostoc and anabaena 

                                                   h) brassica tropica 

                                                  j) bacillus thuringiensis 

4.Write the answer in one sentence each :- 1x7=7

(i) How many nucleus and cells are found in a typical angiosperm embryo sac .

(ii) Into which sex the zygote develops when it contains XX chromosomes after fertilization ?

(iii) In Down syndrome trisomy occurs at which chromosome number? 

(iv) Write the full name of nucleic acid R.N.A. 

(v) Write the name of one cyanobacteria which is used as biofertilizer . 

(vi) What is the name given for symbiotic association between fungi and roots of higher level plants?

(vii) What percentage of energy flows through each trophic level in ecosystem ? 

5. Write any two differences between sexual and Asexual reproduction. 2  OR 

 Define the Fertilization process.

6. Define Polyembryony. 2  OR 

 Write any two differences between self pollination and cross pollination. 

7. Write any two functions of Placenta. 2   OR 

 What is a Test Tube Baby? 

8. Define the Mendel’s law of dominance . 2 


 What is Linkage? 

9. Define Transcription. 2  OR 

 What is codon ? 

10. Define Metastasis . 2  


 Write two side effects of alcohol. 

11.Write any two viral diseases in human . 2 


 What is Drug addiction ? 

12-What is Gene gun ? 2  OR 

 What is Gene Cloning ?

13. Write any 3 differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis . 3 


 Write the full form of GIFT,MTP and IUD . 

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