MP BOARD EXAMINATION-2022   (MODEL PAPER)



TIME-3:00 HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS-80  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  


1. All questions are Compulsory.  

2. Q.No. 1 to 5 are 32 Objective type questions, each carrying 1 mark, it contains  Choose the correct option 6 marks, Fill in the blank 7 marks, Match the Column  6 marks, answer in one word 7 marks, Ture/False 6 marks.  

3. Q.No. 6 to 15 are very short answer type questions, word limit of these questions  is 30 words and 2 marks are allotted to each question.  

4. Q.No. 16 to 19 are short answer type questions, word limit of these questions is  75 words and 3 marks allotted to each question.  

5. Q.No. 20 to 23 are analytical questions, word limit of these questions is 120  words and 4 marks allotted to each question.  

6. Q.No. 6 to 23 have internal options.  

1. Choose the Correct option - 1X6=6 (i) The first function of management is-  

(a) Staffing (b) Planning  

(c) Co-ordination (d) Controlling  

(ii) New Economic policy was implemented in India -  

(a) In 1998 (b) In 1991  

(c) In 1994 (d) In 1996  

(iii) Delegation of Authority cannot be done of -  

(a) Routine Work (b) General Work  

(c) Easy Work (d) Secrete Work  

(iv) Training gives emphasis on-  

(a) Theoretical Knowledge (b) All round Knowledge  

(c) General Knowledge (d) Practical Knowledge  

(v) The Following Communication resembles grapevine form of communication -  (a) Formal (b) Informal  

(c) Gestural (d) written  

(vi) Which of the following is not a Function of Marketing-  

(a) Advertising (b) Transportation  

(c) Storing. (d) Motivation.  

2. Fill in the Blanks- 1X7=7 (i) Planning is the process of thinking about..................... .  

(ii) Decentralisation is a developed form of............................. .  

(iii) Selection is an end, not............................ .  

(iv) Motivation is of......................types.  

(v) Financial Management is ..................of General Management.  

(vi) The identification of product is established by ………….. .  

(vii) Consumer's Protection Act was made in ................. . 

3. Match The Correct pairs of the Following- 1X6=6 

(A) (B)  

I Chief executive officer A. Promotion  

II Henry Fayol B Top level Management 

III F.W. Taylor C Social Relation  

IV Informal Organisation D Campus Recruitment 

V Internal Source E principle of Experiment 

VI External Source F Principle of Discipline  

4. Answer in one Sentence- 1X7=7

 I How many elements are there in delegation of authority?  

 (ii) Which type of motivation is Salary?  

 (iii) What is the difference between actual Performance and Standard called as?  (iv) Which type of control refers to maintaining the supply of raw material?  (v) What are the various types of financial Planning?  

(vi) Controlling of Money market is carried out by which institution?  

 (vii) Which stock exchange is the greatest stock exchange of the country?  5. Write answer in True/ False- 1X6=6  (i) Budgets are dependent on future estimation.  

(ii) Communication is always done in written.  

(iii) Leadership is a part of Directing.  

(iv) Deviation is always negative.  

(v) Capital is life blood of business.  

(vi) Capital market is an organised Market.  

6- “Management is a Dynamic Process." Clarify. 2  Or  

 What is meant by "Innovation"? 

7- Write two main functions of Management. 2  Or  

Write any two Characteristics of Management.  

8- What is meant by Globalisation? 2  Or  

What is meant by Liberalisation?  

9- What is meant by Business Environment? 2   Or  

Write any two advantages of Privatisation.  

10- Write any two objectives of Planning. 2   Or  

What is meant by Strategy? 

11- What is meant by Delegation of Authority? 2   Or  

What is meant by Decentralisation? 

12- Write any two differences between Formal and Informal Organisation. 2 


Write any two objectives of Organisation. 

13- What is meant by Marketing? 2  Or  

What is Public Relation? 

14- What is Eco-mark Scheme? 2   Or  

Write any two objectives of Consumer Protection act. 

15- Describe any two Problems of Consumer. 2  Or  

Write any two Rights of Consumer. 

16- What is meant by Financial and Non Financial motivation. 3  Or  

Describe any three Principles of Directing.  

17- Write any three objectives of Controlling. 3   Or  

Write any three essential elements of effective Controlling System.  

18- Write three limitations of Financial Planning. 3   Or  

Describe importance of Financial Planning.  

19- Write three functions of Financial Market. 3  Or  

Write three differences between Capital market and Money market  

20- Write any four Principles of Management propounded by Henry Fayol. 4  Or  

Write any four Characteristics of Scientific Management.  

21- Differentiate between Objective and Policy. 4  Or  

Describe the process of Planning.  

22- Write any four differences between Recruitment and Selection. 4 Or  

Describe any four external sources of Recruitment.  

23- Describe any four Methods of Sales Promotion. 4 Or  

Write any four characteristics of good Brand.  


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