MP BOARD Political Science - Class 12th
Unit Wise Important Questions Based on Question Bank and NCERT Textbook -
Useful for Upcoming Exams
Political Science:-
Class 12 Political Science (Contemporary World Politics)
Chapter 1 : The Cold War Era ( deleted for 2022-23 mp Board)
Chapter 2 : The End of Bipolarity
Chapter 3 : US Hegemony in World Politics ( deleted for 2022-23 mp Board)
Chapter 4 : Alternative Centers of Power
Chapter 5 : Contemporary South Asia
Chapter 6 : International Organizations
Chapter 7 : Security in the Contemporary World
Chapter 8 : Environment and Natural Resources
Chapter 9 : Globalization
NCERT Book Class 12 Political Science (Politics In India Since Independence)
Chapter 1 : Challenges of Nation Building
Chapter 2 : Era of One-Party Dominance ( deleted for 2022-23 mp Board)
Chapter 3 : Politics of Planned Development
Chapter 4 : India’s External Relations
Chapter 5 : Challenges to And Restoration of The Congress System
Chapter 6 : The Crisis of Democratic Order
Chapter 7 : Rise of Popular Movements ( deleted for 2022-23 mp Board)
Chapter 8 : Regional Aspirations
Chapter 9 : Recent Developments in Indian Politics
Since in this post we have to read chapter wise important questions of the syllabus issued by the Board of Secondary Education Bhopal for the session 2022-23, then the students will be aware that for this session also the syllabus of Political Science subject has been cut by the Board of Secondary Education. Completely deleted chapters are marked in red in the content list above Except these chapters the important questions of the remaining chapters are as follows
Part-1 Contemporary World Politics
Chapter 1: The Cold War Era
Note- This chapter was removed by the Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh Bhopal in the session 2022-23.
Chapter-2 The End of Two Polarities
Points to remember:
- The Berlin Wall was erected during the Cold War.
- On 9 November 1989, the Berlin Wall was torn down by the East Germans.
- In 1988, the movement for independence started from Lithuania.
- • Boris Yeltsin became the Communist Party chief in 1985 in the Soviet Union Started a series of reforms.
- • Multi-party for the Duma (Soviet Union) election by Gorbachev in February 1990
- • In 1991, Boris Yeltsin formed the three largest republics of the Soviet Union, Russia, Ukraine, And Belarus announced the end of the Soviet Union.
- • The Soviet Union ended on 25 December 1991
- • The economy was devastated by the shock therapy adopted in the year 1990.
Q.1 Answer the multiple choice questions (1 mark each)
(i) When was shock therapy adopted?
(a) 1988 (b) 1989 (c) 1990 (d) 1992
(ii) There were sources of inspiration for communism all over the world.
(A) Nikita Khrushchev
(B) Vladimir Lenin
(C) Leonid Brezhnev
(D) Boris Yeltsin
(ii) What are the countries of the socialist bloc called
(A) First World Countries
(B) Second World Countries
(C) Third World Countries
(D) None of the above
(iv) When was the terrorist attack in America?
(a) 9th September 2000 (b) 9th September 2001
(c) 11th September 2000
(d) 11th September 2001
(v) Who among the following was the last President of the Soviet Union?
(A) Nikita Khushachev (B) Vladimir Lenin (C) Boris Yeltsin (D) Mikhail Gorbachev
(v) In which year did the dissolution of the Soviet Union take place?
(a) 1988 (b) 1989 (c) 1991 (d) 1992
(vi) In which year the socialist revolution took place?
(a) 1915
(b) 1917
(c) 1921
(d) 1939
(vii) Where did the Bolshevik Revolution take place?
(a) France
(b) England
(c) Russia
(d) Japan
(viii) Which of the following was the reason for the rise of dipoles?
(a) Rise of two superpowers
(b) less number of big powers
(c) Nuclear arms race
(d) all of the above
(ix) Who was the first elected President of Russia?
(A) Mikhail Gorbachev (B) Boris Yeltsin (C) Leonid Brezhnev (D) None of the above
(x) 10- Who among the following is the Baltic Republic
a) Estonia b) Latvia c) Lithuania
d) all of the above
Q.2 Fill in the blanks:- (1 mark each)
I. The founder of the Bolshevik Communist Party was ……….
II. The full name of NATO is ..................
III. The Berlin Wall was demolished by the public in the year .................
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