20 Important Tips to Write a Good Answer Sheet in MP Board Exams
If you are going to appear in the 10th and 12th class examination of Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal and want to score good marks in this exam, then this post can be useful for you.
Along with good preparation in board exams, it is also necessary to write the answer sheet in the right way.
The following 20 tips can be useful to write an excellent answer sheet in the 10th and 12th class examinations of Madhyamik Shiksha Mandal, Bhopal:
1. Complete understanding of the syllabus:
Study the entire syllabus thoroughly before the exam and give priority to important topics.
2. Time management:
Allot time for each question and write the answer accordingly, so that the answers to all the questions can be completed on time.
3.Read the questions carefully:
Read each question twice so that you can understand its demand properly and give accurate answers.
4.Short and precise answers:
Write the answer briefly and precisely, avoiding unnecessary details.
5.Importance of presentation:
Keep the answer sheet neat, use headings and sub-headings, and underline important points.
6.Use of pictures and diagrams:
Where necessary, draw pictures, graphs or diagrams and label them correctly.
7.Inclusion of examples:
Include relevant examples in the answer, which will increase the quality of the answer.
8.Correction of language:
Avoid grammar and spelling mistakes; use pure and simple language.
9.Use of margins:
Use the margins provided in the answer sheet properly and do not write anything in them.
10.Following the question order:
Answer the questions in the same order as given in the question paper, unless there is a special requirement.
11.Space for rough work:
Use the pages prescribed at the end of the answer sheet for rough work in subjects like Mathematics or Science.
12.Beginning of answers:
Start each answer with a new line and write the question number clearly.
13.End of indication:
Leave a line or write "End" at the end of each answer, so that the examiner has clarity.
14.Periodic review:
While writing the answers, review your answers from time to time, so that no important point is missed.
15.Use of supplementary sheet:
If additional sheet is required, then add it in the correct order and write details like roll number etc. on it as well.
16. Selection of questions:
Select those questions from the optional questions in which you feel more confident.
17. Save time:
First answer those questions which you know well, then go to the difficult questions.
18. Work with a calm mind:
Avoid panic during the exam and write the answers with a calm mind.
19. Follow the rules of the exam:
Follow all the rules and instructions during the exam, such as the correct use of barcode sheet.
20. Practice:
Practice model papers and previous years question papers before the exam, which will increase the understanding of the exam pattern.
I hope you found these tips useful and by following these tips, you can improve the quality of your answer sheet and get better marks in the exam.