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Names of textbooks being implemented in classes 9th to 12th in MP Board (Madhya Pradesh) in session 2023-24

Names of textbooks being implemented in classes 9th to 12th in MP Board (Madhya Pradesh) in session 2023-24

In order to keep its curriculum in line with the national curriculum, the Madhya Pradesh School Education Department prepared and implemented the books of Mathematics and Science subjects in class X from the session 2017-18 according to the text books of NCERT. After this, slowly other text books of class 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th have also been made available to the students of the state by preparing them according to the CBSE syllabus or rather NCERT text books.


So let us know which textbooks have been officially implemented by the Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education in class 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th in the session 2023-24 for the students across the state to read.


Hindi- 1 Horizon Part 1

                2 Kritika Part 1

English 1 Beehive

                 2 Momentm

sanskrit 1shemushi first part

                2 grammar method:

Urdu 1 Nawai Urdu

social science

1 India and the Contemporary World -I History

2. Contemporary India - I Geography

3 economics

4 Democratic Political -I

Science - Science 

Mathematics -Mathematics 


                                                    10 TH

Hindi - 1 Kritika Part 2 ,

           2 Horizon Part 2

English 1. First Flight, and

             2 Footprints without fleet

Sanskrit - 1 Shemushi -2 and

                2 Grammarly

science - SCIENCE


Social Science.- 

Following 4 books are applicable in class 10th social science

1 India and the Contemporary World - II History

2. Contemporary India - II Geography

3 Understanding Economic Development - Economics

4 Democratic Political -II

                                                 class 11th

Text books applicable for session 2023 -24 in MP Board

Hindi - 1 Aaroh Part -I ,

           2 VITAN PART-I ,

            3 Mass media expression and media

English - 1 Hornbill

                  2. Snapshot

Sanskrit - 1 Bhaswati Part 1

                 2 Introduction to Sanskrit Literature

Urdu - 1 Gulistan e Adab

Physics - 1 Physics Part I,

                        2. Physics Part II

Chemistry 1 Chemistry Part I ,

                       2 Chemistry Part II

Biology - 1. Biology Part I,

                        2 Biology Part II

Mathematics - 1 Mathematics Part I,

                        2 Mathematics Part II

History - Some Topics in World History

Political Science - 1 Constitution of India, Theory and Practice

                        2 Political theory

Geography - 1 India Geographical Environment

                          2 Principles of Physical Geography

Economics 1 Development of Indian Economy

Sociology - 1 Sense of society

                        2 Introduction to Sociology

Psychology - 1 Psychology

Accounting - 1 Financial Accounting Part 1

                        2 Financial Accounting Part 2

Business Studies - Part 1 Business Studies

Faculty of Agriculture – Three subjects under the Faculty of Agriculture 1. Basic elements useful for useful science and mathematics of agriculture 2. Crop production and Horticulture, 3. Animal Husbandry, Poultry and Fisheries The syllabus of these subjects is issued by the Board of Secondary Education. But the books of these subjects are neither published by Madhya Pradesh Text Book Corporation nor by NCERT. Students have to study the books of these subjects from the books published by private publishers.

* Faculty of Home Science- Under this 1.Home Management, 2.Anatomy and Function, 3.Hygiene, 4.Elements of Science

      The syllabus of the above subjects is issued by the Board of Secondary Education, but the books of these subjects are also not published by Madhya Pradesh Text Book Corporation and NCERT, students have to study with the help of books of private publishers.

* Informatics Practices- NCERT book and CBSE syllabus has been implemented from 2020-21

                                                     class 12th

MP Board Applicable Text Books for the Session 2023 -24 for Various Streams in Class 12th

Hindi - 1 Aaroh Part -2 ,

             2 Vintan Part-2 ,

             3 Mass media expression and media

English - 1 Flamingo

                  2. Vistas

Sanskrit - 1 Bhaswati Part 2 (according to the textbook of mp bse and textbook corporation)

                  2 Introduction to Sanskrit Literature

Physics - 1 Physics Part I,

                         2. Physics Part II

Chemistry 1 Chemistry Part I ,

                          2 Chemistry Part II

Biology - 1. Biology Part,

Mathematics - 1 Mathematics Part I,

                        2 Mathematics Part II

History - 1. Some Topics in Indian History Part 1

                         2 . Some topics of Indian History Part 2

                         3. Some Topics in Indian History Part 3

Political Science - 1 Contemporary World Politics

                        Politics in independent India

Geography - 1 Basics of Human Geography

                         2 India People and Economy

                        3 Practical work in Geography ii

Economics  1 Microeconomics An Introduction

                        2 Macroeconomics An Introduction

Sociology - 1 Social Change in India

                        2 Indian society

Psychology - 1 Psychology

Faculty of Commerce -

Accounting - 1 Non-Profit Organizations and Partnership Accounts

                        2 Accounting Analysis of Company Accounts and Financial Statements

Business Studies - 1 Business Studies Part 1

                               2 Business Studies Part 2

Faculty of Agriculture – Three subjects under the Faculty of Agriculture 1. Basic elements useful for useful science and mathematics of agriculture 2. Crop production and Horticulture, 3. Animal Husbandry, Poultry and Fisheries The syllabus of these subjects is issued by the Board of Secondary Education. But the books of these subjects are neither published by Madhya Pradesh Text Book Corporation nor by NCERT. Students have to study the books of these subjects from the books published by private publishers.

* Faculty of Home Science- Under this 1.Home Management, 2.Anatomy and Function, 3.Hygiene, 4.Elements of Science

      The syllabus of the above subjects is issued by the Board of Secondary Education, but the books of these subjects are also not published by Madhya Pradesh Text Book Corporation and NCERT, students have to study with the help of books of private publishers.

* Informatics Practices - NCERT Books from 2021-22

For the preparation of class 9th to 12th examinations, keep visiting continuously and also inform your friends about it.

         I would like to recommend a website for useful information on all subjects in HINDI (हिंदी )  from class 9th to 12th, which you can search in Google by typing alleboard and read it from the first link or go directly to the link

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