ENGLISH MEDIUM STUDENTS - Syllabus Half Yearly Exam 2023: See Syllabus Half Yearly Exam 2023, subject wise questions will be asked from how many courses in the upcoming half yearly examination (December) of class 9th to 12th.

 Syllabus Half Yearly Examination 2023 :

           HALF YEARLY EXAM 2023

Madhya Pradesh School Education Department is organizing half-yearly examination for the students of class 9th to 12th from 6th December.
This examination is very important for the students of class 9th to 12th. Because the marks obtained by class 9th and 11th students in this examination are added to the annual examination. Similarly, the marks obtained in the practical examination of class 10th are also added to the marks of practical in the annual examination.
Madhya Pradesh School Education Department's class 9th to 12th half-yearly examination is conducted by the Directorate of Public Instruction. (DPI)
How many questions will be asked from the syllabus for half yearly examination 2023 can be noted from the syllabus given below.

Syllabus Half Yearly Examination 2023

                    Class 9th to 12th Half Yearly Exam Syllabus

             CLASS 9 th 

हिंदी - कक्षा 9 वीं  अर्धवार्षिक परीक्षा  पाठ्यक्रम
Hindi - Class 9th Half Yearly Exam Syllabus
ब्रिज कोर्स , सूरज का व्याह , मिजबान 

अंतरिक्ष की सैर (लेख )

एक दिन भुज का ( डायरी)

अब्राहम लिंकन का पत्र अपने पुत्र के शिक्षक के नाम

एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम (आत्मकथा)

 पंडित जसराज (साक्षात्कार)

 हेलन केलर (जीवनी)

  • क्षितिज भाग-1 

    गद्यखण्ड- दो बैलों की कथा - ( प्रेमचंद) 


    (तत्सम, तद्भव, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, पर्यायवाची, विलोम, मुहावरे लोकोक्तियाँ, पत्र - लेखन (औपचारिक/ अनौपचारिक पत्र ), विराम चिह्न, वर्तनी परिचय एवं सुधार, देशज शब्द, विदेशी शब्द निबन्ध लेखन (रूपरेखा सहित), सन्धि परिचय एवं प्रकार, निपात शब्द

  • क्षितिज भाग-1

    गद्यखण्ड— ल्हासा की ओर - (राहुल सांकृत्यायन )

    काव्यखण्ड- साखियाँ एवं सबद् (कबीर)

    वाख - ( ललद्यद )

    कृतिका भाग - 1 इस जल प्रलय में- ( फणीश्वरनाथ रेणु)

  • क्षितिज भाग 1 गद्य खंड 
    उपभोक्तावाद की संस्कृति -श्यामाचरण दुबे
     सांवले सपनों की याद -जाबिर हुसैन 

  • प्रेमचंद के फटे जूते ( हरिशंकर परसाई ) 
    काव्य खंड - सवाईए-  रसखान , कैदी और कोकिला ( माखन लाल चुतर्वेदी ) 
     कृतिका भाग 1
     मेरे संग की औरतें-  मृदुला गर्ग 

  • रीढ़ के हड्डी ( जगदीश चन्द्र माथुर ) 
    व्याकरण (गद्य की विधाएं कहानी निबंध एकांकी यात्रा वृतांत डायरी संस्मरण व्यंग्य विधा) अलंकारों का सामान्य परिचय (अनुप्रास यमक उपमा रूपक उत्प्रेक्षा) मानवीकरण छंद का सामान्य परिचय दोहा सवैया विज्ञापन लेखन संवाद लेखन , समास परिचय एवं भेद , वाक्य रचना ( रचना के आधार पर ) आंचलिक शब्द 

  • English - Class 9th Syllabus


    unit friends 

    unit environment

     Unit my country 

    unit unity in diversity

     unit Technology

     Unit inspiring personalities 

    writing Formal letters


    Lesson-1. The Fun They Had Lesson-2.The Sound of Music Poetry 

    1. The Road Not Taken 

    2. Wind 


    Lesson-1. The Lost Child 


    Present Tense, Past Tense, Articles 

    Writing-Picture composition, Essay writing, Note-Making 



    3. Rain on the Roof.

    4- The Lake Isle of Innisfree


    lesson 3 the little girl
     lesson 4 a truly beautiful mind
     Lesson 5 The Snake and the mirror 
    Lesson 6 My childhood 
     a legend  of the north land, 6 no men are foreign 
    lesson 3 iswaran  the story teller 
    lesson 4 in the kingdom of fools 
    lesson 5 The happy prince 
    lesson 6 The Last Leaf 

    Grammar models voice, transformation of sentences , sentence making from jumbled words. Writing Paragraph 
Science - Class 9th Syllabus
  1.  substances around us
  2. Is the matter around us pure
  3. undamental unit of life
  4. motion
  5. laws of force and motion
  6. tissue
  7. gravity
  8. atoms and molecules
  9. atomic structure
  10. work and energy
  11. improving food resources
Social Science - Class 9th Syllabus

Geography - 1. India – Size and Location 3. Drainage
Economics- Chapter 1. Story of Palanpur village, 2. People as a resource, 3. Poverty as a challenge.
Geography :
Chapter-2 Physical form of India
History :
Chapter-2 Socialism in Europe and Russian Revolution, French Revolution, 4 Wild Society and Colonialism
Politics :
Chapter-2 Constitution making, what is democracy? Why democracy?
Map practice, project work related to the above mentioned chapters.
Chapter 4 Climate
History Chapter 3 Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
  Political Science Chapter 3 Electoral Politics, Chapter 4 Functioning of Institutions
Practice purpose work of map related to appropriate study

Mathematics - Class 9 Half Yearly Exam Syllabus
bridge course
- Chapter 1 Number System
coordinates geometric
linear equations in two variables
Chapter 5 Introduction to Euclid's Geometry
Chapter 6 Lines and Angles
Chapter 7 Triangle
  8 quadrilaterals
  9 circle
  • Class 10th - Syllabus Half Annual Exam
  • हिंदी - कक्षा 10  वीं  पाठ्यक्रम 
  • Hindi - Class 10th Syllabus
  • क्षितिज भाग 2 काव्य खंड - पद्य साहित्य का इतिहास एवं काल विभाजन , रीतिकाल , आधुनिक काल , ( प्रगतिवाद , प्रयोगवाद , नईं कविता 
    गद्य खण्ड - गद्य की प्रमुख एवं गौण विधाएं 
    व्याकरण - पत्र लेखन ( औपचारिक, अनौपचारिक पत्र ) अपठित गद्यांश / पद्यांश 

    क्षितिज भाग 2 काव्य खंड पद सूरदास

    गद्य खंड नेताजी का चश्मा- स्वयं प्रकाश

    कृतिका भाग 2

    माता का आंचल- शिवपूजन सहाय

    व्याकरण काव्य की परिभाषा एवं भेद प्रबंध काव्य के भेद रस की परिभाषा एवं प्रकार उदाहरण सहित

    संधि एवं समास भेद एवं उदाहरण निबंध लेखन रूपरेखा निर्माण

    क्षितिज भाग-2 

    इकाईवार पाठ्यक्रम विभाजन माह अगस्त 

    काव्यखण्ड- रामलक्ष्मण - परशुराम संवाद (तुलसीदास)) 

    गद्यखण्ड —– बालगोबिन भगत (रामवृक्ष बेनीपुरी) 

    व्याकरण - लोकोक्तियाँ, मुहावरे, छन्द (दोहा, चौपाई), कवि / लेखक परिचय, अनुच्छेद लेखन, विज्ञापन लेखन 

    क्षितिज भाग-2

    काव्यखण्ड- आत्मकथ्य ( जयशंकर प्रसाद )

    उत्साह, अट नहीं रही है (सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी निराला) गद्यखण्ड– लखनवी अंदाज (यशपाल )

    क्षितिज भाग 2 
    काव्य खंड यह दंतुरित मुसकान 
    फसल -नागार्जुन 
    गद्य खंड एक कहानी यह भी -मन्नू भंडारी , नौबत खाने में इबादत ( यतीन्द्र मिश्र ) 
    कृतिका भाग 2 - मैं क्यों लिखता हूँ ( अज्ञेय )

    व्याकरण संवाद लेखन पतित गद्यांश पद्यांश अनेकार्थी शब्द वाक्यांश के लिए एक शब्द वाक्य के भेद अर्थ के आधार पर प्रायोजना कार्य
  • English - Class 10th Syllabus Half Yearly Exam
  • First Flight 
     Lesson 1 A letter to God
    Poetry - 1 dust to snow, 2 fire and ice
    Grammar - articles and Tenses 
    Reading Comprehensions
    First Flight
     lesson 2  Nelson Mandela
     long Walk to Freedom 
    poetry- a tiger in the zoo
     how to tell wild animals 
    footprints without feet
     lesson 1 a Trump of surgery
     Lesson 2 The Thief story 
    grammar relative clause, determiners,  writing essay -writing reading 
    note making

    First Flight 

    Lesson-3. Two Stories about Flying 

    Lesson-4. From the Diary of Anne Frank Poetry 

    5. The Ball Poem 

    6. Amanda 

    Foot Prints without Feet 

    Lesson-3. The Midnight Visitor 

    Lesson-4. A Question of Trust 

    Grammar- Modals, Verbs (Finite & Non-Finite ) 

    Writing- Formal and Informal Letters, Picture Composition 

    First Flight

    7. The Trees


    Footprints without feet

    5. Footprints without Feet

    7 . the necklece

    First Flight
    lesson 5
    Glimpses of India
    6 misbeel the otter
    lesson 8 fog
    footprint without feet
    6 the making of a scientist

    grammar verb adverb clause writing essay writing letter writing practice
    first flight- 7 madam Rides the bus
    8 the sermon benares
    poetry - 9 the tale of custard dragon
    grammer - adverb clause , compound sentence , sentence making rom jumbled words
  • Science - Class 10th Syllabus Half Yearly Exam Chapter - our environment Reflection and Refraction of Light Human eye and colorful world acid base and salt biological process control and coordination chemical reactions and equations Chapter Three- Metals and Non-Metals Chapter Four – Carbon and its compounds Chapter 7- How organisms reproduce Chapter 8 Heredity Chapter 11 Electricity
  • Social Science - Class 10 Syllabus
    Geography - Resources and Development, Forest and Wildlife Resources, 3 Water Resources 5 Minerals
    History - Rise of Nationalism in Europe, Chapter 2 Nationalism in India 3 Globalization The Making of the World 4 The Age of Industrialization
    Economics - Chapter 1 Development, Sectors of Indian Economy 3 Currency and Banking 4 Globalization and Indian Economy
    Political Science - Chapter 1 - Power Sharing, Federalism
    Geography Chapter 4 Agriculture
    Chapter 3 Formation of a globalized world, economy between the Great Wars, reconstruction of the world economy in the post-war period
    Chapter 3 Caste, Religion and Gender Issues
    Project work related to the above chapters and related maps.
    Note - There is no possibility of questions coming from the deleted course.

    Mathematics - Class 10th Syllabus Half Yearly Exam
    - Chapter 1 Real Numbers
                     2 . polynomial
                     3. pair of linear equations in two variables
                     4. quadratic equation
                    5 arithmetic progressions
    - Chapter 6 Triangles
    - Chapter 7 Coordinate Geometry
                  8 Trigonometry An Introduction
                9 Some Applications of Trigonometry
                 10 circles
                  11 areas related to circles
                  12 surface area and volume

  • Class 11th Half Yearly Exam Expected Syllabus

  • Hindi - Class 11th Syllabus Half Yearly Exam
  • आरोह भाग 1 - काव्य खण्ड 

    पद्य साहित्य का इतिहास एवं प्रवृतियां

    कवि परिचय

    गद्य खंड - गद्य साहित्य का इतिहास विकास क्रम एवं प्रवृतियां एवं गद्य की विधाएं

    कहानी , संस्मरण, व्यंगात्मक निबंध, एकांकी, लेखक परिचय

    व्याकरण-  निबंध लेखन एवं पत्र लेखन अपठित गद्यांश पद्यांश 

     आरोह भाग काव्य खंड कबीर हम तो एक-एक कर जाना

     गद्य खंड

     नमक का दरोगा ( प्रेमचंद)

     मियां नसीरुद्दीन ( कृष्णा सोबती)

     अब्बू के साथ ढाई साल ( सत्यजीत राय )

    अभिव्यक्ति और मध्यम

     जनसंचार मध्यम

     व्याकरण काव्य के भेद प्रबंध एवीएन मुक्तक काव्य के भेद एवीएन उदारण अलंकार वक्रोक्ति दृष्टांत

     उदारण और विशेषशक्ति सार संक्षेपण विज्ञान लेखन संवाद लेखन अनुच्छेद लेखन भव पल्लवन

    आरोह भाग 1 



    मेरे तो गिरिधर गोपाल 


    विदाई संभाषण (बाल मुकंद गुप्त ) 

    वितान भाग 1 

    भारतीय गायिकाओं में बेजोड़ - लता मांगेशकर 

    (कुमार गंधर्व) 

    अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम

    पत्रकारिता के विविध आयाम 

    व्याकरण - शब्दशक्ति (परिचय एवं प्रकार ) 

    शब्दगुण (परिचय एवं प्रकार), रस परिचय ( परिभाषा, अंग, प्रकार एवं उदाहरण )

    आरोह भाग -1 काव्य खंड - घर की याद (भवानी प्रसाद मिश्र ) , गद्य खण्ड - गलता लोहा ( शेखर जोशी )

    आरोह भाग एक काव्य खंड चंपा काले काले अक्षर नहीं चीनित( त्रिलोचन)
     गजल -दुष्यंत कुमार 
    गद्य खंड रजनी- मन्नू  भंडारी 
    अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम 
     कथा पटकथा 
    पत्र लेखन एवं निबंध लेखन 
    व्याकरण मुहावरे लोकोक्तियां 

    बिंब विधान शब्द युग्म एवं प्रकार प्रयोजना कार्य

    आरोह भाग 1 काव्य खंड

    हे मूर्ख मत मचल ( अक्क महादेवी)

    हे मेरे जूही के फूल जैसे ईश्वर

    गद्य खंड

    जामुन का पेड़ (कृष्ण चंद्र)

    वितान भाग 1

    आलो अंधारी (बेबी हवलदार)

    अभिव्यक्ति और मध्यम

    कार्यालय लेखन और भीम

    व्याकरण शब्दों के प्रकार ( क्षेत्रीय शब्द तकनीकी शब्द निपात शब्द)

  • English - Class 11th Syllabus Half Yearly Exam

  • HORNBILL- PROSE   lesson 1 The portrait of a lady, POETRY- A photograph- reading note making 

    Grammar- Tenses 

    Hornbill Prose Lesson We Are Not Afraid to Die if We Can All Be Together

     poetry to the labrum top

     snapshots lesson the summer of the beautiful White Horse

    grammar determiners and articles writing section poster making formal letter notice writing


    Lesson-3.Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues 



    3.The Voice of the Rain 


    Lesson-2. The Address 


    Preposition, Compound sentences (co-ordinate clauses ) 


    Informal letter, Pragraph Writing 

    Reading-Reading Comprehension 


    lesson 3 Mothers Days

    Hornbill prose lesson 5 the adventure

    voice verb writing- article writing, invitation writing


    poetry -childhood


    lesson 5 birth

    lesson 6 the tale of melon City

    grammar- clauses, writing speech and debate, diary entry

  • Chemistry - Class 11th Syllabus Half Yearly Exam

    1. Some basic concepts of chemistry

    2 Atomic structure,

    Classification and periodicity of 3 elements,

    4. Chemical bonding and molecular structure

    5 chemical thermodynamics

    6. equilibrium

    8. Basic principles and techniques of organic chemistry

      9 hydrocarbons



    class 11th syllabus half yearly exam

    1 Units and Measurements,

    2 motion in a straight line

    3. motion in plane

    4. rules of speed

    5.Work energy and power

    6. Systems of particles and rotational motion

    7. gravity

    8. mechanical properties of solids

    9. mechanical properties of fluids

    10. Thermal properties of matter

    Biology - Class 11th Syllabus Half Yearly Exam

    1. Living world

    2 . classification of living beings

    3 flora

    4 animal world

    5 Morphology of flowering plants

    6 body of flowering plants

    7. structure and organization in animals

    8. Cell unit of life

    9 biomolecules

    11 - Photosynthesis in higher plants

    Mathematics - Class 11th Syllabus Half Yearly Exam

    1. set of

    2 Relations and functions

       3 triangular functions

    4 Complex numbers and quadratic equations

    5 linear inequalities

    6 permutation and accumulation

      8 sequence and series

      9 simple lines

      Chapter 10 Conic Sections

      Chapter 11 Introduction to Three-Dimensional Geometry

      Chapter 12 Limits and Derivatives

    Accountancy - Class 11th Syllabus Half Yearly Exam

    1 - Accounting - An Introduction

    2 Theoretical basis of accounting,

      3 Recording of transactions - 1

    4.Recording of transactions-2

    5. Bank Reconciliation Details

    6. trial balance

    Chapter 6 Purification of Impurities

      Chapter 7 Depreciation Provisions and Reserves

      Chapter 8 Financial Statements-1


    - Class 11th Syllabus Half Yearly Exam

    Chapter 1 – Business, Trade and Commerce

    2 Forms of business organization

    7 company formation

    3 private, public, global enterprises

    4 professional services

    5 Emerging Business Practices

    Chapter 6 Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics

    Chapter 8 Sources of Business Finance

    Chapter 9 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Business Entrepreneurship

      Chapter 10 Internal Trade

    Economics - Class 11th Syllabus Half Yearly Exam

    1. Introduction

    2. Data collection

    Organization of 3 figures,

    4 Presentation of data

    Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization: A Review

      Development of Indian economy -

    - Indian economy on the eve of independence

    5 measure of central tendency

    6 measure of dispersion

    statistics in economics


      Development of Indian economy-

    Chapter Capital Formation in India,

    rural Development

      statistics in economics

      Chapter- Index Development of Indian Economy

    Chapter Informal and other issues related to employment


       class 11th syllabus half yearly exam

    Basic principles of physical geography -

    1. Geography as a subject 2 Origin and development of the Earth

    Unit 2 Earth – Chapter 3 Internal Structure of the Earth, Chapter 4 Distribution of Oceans and Continents

       Chapter 5 Geomorphic Processes, Chapter 6 Landforms and their Development 7. Organization and structure of the atmosphere, Chapter 8 Radiation, its balance and temperature

    Chapter 9 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems

    Chapter 10 Water in the Atmosphere

      Chapter 11 World Climate and Climate Change

    India geographical environment -

    1 Location of India, 2 Structure and Geomorphology, Chapter 4 Climate, Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation

    History - Class 11th Syllabus Half Annual Exam

    Writing art and urban life

    Section Two – Empires (Chronology 2 100 BC to 1300 AD)

    world spread over three continents

    Indian Economy (1950 - 1990)

    Topic Five – Nomadic Empire

    Section Three – Changing Traditions Timeline Three 1300 to 1700 AD

    Chapter 4 Three Classes

    Chapter 5 Changing Cultural Traditions

      POLITICAL SCIENCE - Class 11th Syllabus Half Yearly Exam

    Constitution of India in practice - 1. Constitution – why and how?

    Rights in the Indian Constitution, Chapter 2 - Elections and Representation, 3. Legislature 4 Executive 5 Judiciary Chapter 6 Federalism Chapter 7 Local Government

    Political Theory – Political Theory An Introduction

    2, Freedom, 3, Equality

  • Elements of Science and Mathematics useful for Agriculture - Class 11th Syllabus Half Yearly Examination

    1 Properties of matter, density, relative density, siphon, flotation and atmospheric pressure.

    2 Friction, definition, types

    3 simple devices

    4 gravity

    5 heat

    6 atomic structure

    7 Chemical Bonding and Ionic Theory

    Chapter 9 Minerals and Fertilizers

    Chapter 10 Volume Fund Titration Indicator Acid, Base, Salt Equivalent Weight, Normality. concentration practical work

      11 plant shape root stem and leaf

    Crop Production and Horticulture - Class 11th Syllabus Half Yearly Examination

    1 Agriculture introduction, importance, area, production targets and future prospects

    2 Types and systems of farming

    3 Classification of crops and crop rotation

    4 Mixed crop importance, principle and necessity

    5. Soil- definition, formation, organization, classification and characteristics

    6. Physical properties of soil-

    7. Acidic and alkaline soils – causes of formation, their effects, classification and improvement.

    8. Soil erosion and conservation

      10 Features and uses of soil treatment and other equipment

      11 irrigation

      12 Water harvesting devices, their classification, working principle, water conservation

      Cultivation of 13 crops, study of sorghum, maize, millet, cotton and groundnut cultivation

      Study of cultivation of 14 crops, cultivation of wheat, flaxseed, mustard and berseem.

      15 Elementary study of horticulture

      16 Home Garden Meaning, Purpose, Establishment and Management

    Animal Husbandry, Dairy Farming, Poultry Farming, Fisheries - Class 11th Syllabus Half Annual Exam

    1 Preliminary study – Need, area and importance of animal husbandry business

    2 Basic information about animal body parts

    Study of 3 major institutions of cow and buffalo

    4 Improved breeds of animals, breeds of buffaloes

    6 Animal breeding – meaning, purpose

    Chapter 9 Animal Management and Care - 1 Healthy and Sick Animals Animal Housekeeping

      Management of pregnant and lactating cows during the season

    Chapter 10 Animal Management and Care- 2 Dehorning, marking castration. calculate weight

    Chapter 11 Fisheries and Pig Farming

    12 Poultry farming and study of chicken breeds

    13 Dairy business history, current status, future, plans for dairy development.

      14 Cooperative Economics Theory Milk Cooperative Structures

  • Class 12th

    Hindi - Class 12th Syllabus Half Yearly Exam

  • कक्षा 12 वीं 

    हिन्दी - कक्षा 12  वीं  पाठ्यक्रम अर्द्ध वार्षिक परीक्षा 

  • आरोह भाग 2 काव्य खंड

    पदय साहित्य का इतिहास एवं प्रवृतियां कवि परिचय गद्य खंड गद्य साहित्य का इतिहास विकास

    क्रम  प्रवृतियां एवं विधाएं लेखक परिचय

    व्याकरण- निबंध लेखन एवं पत्र लेखन औपचारिक अनौपचारिक पत्र, अपठित गद्यांश/ पद्यांश

    आरोह भाग दो काव्य खंड

    आत्म परिचय

    एक गीत (हरिवंश राय बच्चन) पतंग (आलोक धन्व)

     गद्य खंड

     भक्ति( महादेवी वर्मा)  बाजार दर्शन (जैनेंद्र कुमार)

     वितान  भाग 2

    सिल्वर बेडिंग ( मनोहर श्याम जोशी) जूझ ( आनंद यादव)

    अभिव्यक्ति और मध्यम

    विविध मध्यमों के लिए लेखन पत्र कार्य लेखन के विविध रूप और लेखन प्रकृति व्याकरण रस परिचय

     एवीएन प्रकार अंग एवीएन उदारण अलंकार परिचय एवीएन प्रकार संदेश सार संक्षेपण विज्ञान लेखन

     संवाद लेखन अनुच्छेद लेखन भाव पल्लवन

    आरोह भाग-2 


    1. कविता के बहाने ( कुँवर नारायण) 

    2. बात सीधी थी पर ( कुँवर नारायण) 

    कैमरे में बंद अपाहिज (रघुवीर सहाय ) 


    काले मेघा पानी दे (धर्मवीर भारती ) 

    आरोह भाग 2 काव्य खंड उषा ( शमसेर बहादुर सिंह ) गद्य खडं - शिरीष के फूल ( हजारी प्रसाद द्ववेदी  )

    अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यमः - कैसे बनती है कविता, नाटक लिखने का व्याकरण व्याकरणः–छन्द (सोरठा, कवित्त, सवैया, रुबाइयाँ) शब्दशक्ति (परिचय एवं प्रकार ) शब्दगुण- (परिचय एवं प्रकार), शब्द युग्म एवं प्रकार, मुहावरे लोकोक्तियाँ प्रायोजना कार्य 

    पहलवान की ढोलक ( फनीश्वरनाथ रेनू ), अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम- कैसे करें कहानी का नाट्य रूपांतरण व्याकरण वाक्य परिचय एवं उसके प्रकार 

    आरोह भाग 2 काव्य खंड

    बादल राग -सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी निराला

    कवितावली -उत्तराखंड से तुलसीदास

    लक्ष्मण मूर्छा और राम का विलाप -तुलसीदास

    रुबाइयां -फिराक गोरखपुरी

    अभिव्यक्ति और मध्यम -विशेष लेखन स्वरूप एवं प्रकार

  • ENGLISH -Class 12th Syllabus Half Yearly Exam

  • Flamingo - Lesson 1 The Last Lesson . 

    Poetry- 1.My father at sixty six

    grammar -  Determiners , articles

    Flamingo Lesson lost spring

    lesson deep water


     lesson Third Level

     Lesson The Tiger King

    Reading- note making

     grammar models dance writing formal and informal letters

    poster making


    Lession-4 The Rattrap Poetry 

    2. Keeping quiet 


    3. Journey to the end of the Earth 

    4. The Enemy Grammar: Narration 

    Compound Sentence (Co-ordinate Clauses ) 

    Writing: Advertisement, Article

    flamingo- lesson 5 Indigo

    flamingo lesson 6 poets and pancakes vitas lesson 5 on the face of it grammar clauses , writing section report writing , diary entry


    prose- Lesson 7 the interview

    part 1 part 2


    4 A road side stand

    grammar- clauses, paragraph writing, email writing

  • Chemistry - Class 12th Syllabus Half Annual Exam Chapter 1 Willian Chapter 2 Electrochemistry Chapter-4 – Elements of d and f block Chapter 5 – Covalent Compounds 6. hello alkane and hello arene 10. biomolecule Chapter 3 Chemical Kinetics Chapter 7 Alcohols Phenols and Ethers Chapter 8 Aldehyde Ketone and Carboxylic Acid PHYSICS- Class 12th Syllabus Half Annual Exam 1. Electric charge and field Chapter 2 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance Chapter 3 Electric Current Chapter 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism Chapter 5 Magnetism and matter 6 electromagnetic induction 7. alternating current 8 electromagnetic waves 9 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Practical Work 10 wave optics 11 Dual nature of radiation and matter 12 atoms Biology - class 12th syllabus half yearly exam Chapter 1 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants Chapter 2 Human Reproduction Chapter Chapter 3 Reproductive Health Chapter 4 Principles of Heredity and Variation Chapter 5 Molecular Basis of Heredity 6 development Chapter 7 Human Health and Disease Chapter 8 Microorganisms in Human Welfare Chapter 9 Biotechnology Principles and Processes Chapter 10 Biotechnology and its Applications 12 ecosystem Mathematics -class 12th syllabus half yearly exam

  • 1. relation and function Chapter 2 Inverse Trigonometric Functions Chapter 3 Matrices Chapter 4 Determinant Chapter 5 Continuity and Differentiability Chapter 6 Applications of Differentiation 7. integration 8 Applications of Integration 9 differential equations 10 vector algebra 11 three dimensional geometry ACCOUNTANCY - Class 12th Syllabus Half Annual Exam 1. Accounting for Nonprofits Chapter 1 Partnership Accounting Basic Concepts Chapter 2 Reconstitution of Partnership Firm Admission of Partner Chapter 3 Reorganization of Partnership Firm Retirement Death of Partner 4. Dissolution of Partnership Form Accountancy Part 2 Chapter 1 Accounting for Share Capital Chapter 2 Sub-section One Issue of Debentures Chapter 3 Financial Statements of the Company Chapter 4 Analysis of Financial Statements BUSINESS STUDY - class 12th syllabus half yearly exam 1. Nature and importance of management Chapter 2 Principles of Management Chapter 3 Business Environment Chapter 4 Planning Chapter 5 Organization Chapter 6. Appointment Chapter 7 Direction Chapter 8 Control 9 business finance 10 marketing Economics class 12th syllabus half yearly exam 1. Introduction Chapter 2 Theory of Consumer Behavior Chapter 3 Production and Cost Chapter 4 Theory of the Firm in Perfect Competition Chapter 5 Market Equilibrium macroeconomics an introduction Chapter Introduction Chapter Accounting of National Income macroeconomics an introduction Chapter- Money and Banking Chapter- Creation of Income and Employment GEOGRAPHY class 12th syllabus half yearly exam

  • principles of human geography 1. Human Geography – Nature and subject area Unit 2 Chapter 2 World Population Distribution Density and Growth Chapter 3 Human Development Chapter 4 Elementary Functions Chapter 5 Secondary Activities 6 Tertiary and Quaternary Activities india people and economy Chapter 1 Population, Distribution, Density, Chapter 2 Human Settlements Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 7 Transport and Communication india people and economy Chapter 4 Water Resources Chapter 5 Mineral and Energy Resources Fundamentals of Human Geography Chapter 8 International Trade india people and economy Chapter 6 India Planning and Sustainable Sustainable Development

  • History class 12th syllabus half yearly exam 1.Bricks, beads and bones Topic Two- Kings, Farmers and Cities Early States and Concepts (about 600 BC to 600 AD) map work Topic 3 Fraternity, Caste and Class, Early Society (about 600 BC to 600 AD) Map Work 4 Thinkers Beliefs and Buildings Cultural Development (about 600 BC to 600 AD) Part-2 Topic Five- Perspectives of travelers and their understanding of society (circa 10th to 17th century) map work Topic Two - Devotional traditions, changes in religious beliefs and devotional texts. Chapter 7 Vijayanagara, the capital of an empire from about 14th to 16th century Chapter 8 Peasant Landlord and the State Agrarian society and the Mughal Empire circa 16th to 17th century Some topics of Indian history part 3 Chapter 9 Colonialism and the Countryside (Study of Government Records) Chapter 10 Rebellion and Raj (Movement of 1857 and its lectures) Political science political science class 12th syllabus half yearly exam Text Book- Contemporary World Politics, end of bipolarity 3 Contemporary South Asia 4. international organization Textbook Politics in Independent India- 1. challenges of nation building Chapter 2 Alternative Centers of Power Chapter 3 Politics of Planned Development Chapter 4 Foreign Relations of India Chapter 5 Security in the Contemporary World Text book Politics in Independent India Chapter 6 Crisis of the democratic system contemporary world politics Chapter 6 Environment and Cultural Resources politics in independent india Chapter 7 Regional Aspirations Elements of Science and Mathematics useful for Agriculture - Class 12th Syllabus Half Yearly Examination 1 - light 2 . Magnetism definition types properties and related facts 3 heat 4 electricity 5. agricultural meteorology 6 organic chemicals 7 Hydrocarbons Methane Ethane Ethylene Ethylene Cowdung Gas Chapter 9 Oils Fats and Soaps 10 introductory biochemistry 11 Practical work on plant physiology 12 - Solanaceae, Malvaceae, Cruciferous and Gramineae Crop Production and Horticulture - Class 12th Syllabus Half Yearly Examination 1. Drainage 2 Plant Nutrition – Classification of Nutrients Importance Symptoms of Deficiency 3 Compost definition, classification and methods of compost preparation 5. Plant Protection: A Definition, Importance and Need; Weed Study and Control. 6. Plant protection, study of two pests and diseases and methods of control, study of biological pesticides. 7. Crop cultivation-1 Cultivation of paddy, soybean, moong, urad and pigeon pea. 9 Mushroom cultivation, introduction, types and nutritional value, poisonous mushrooms 10 ornamental gardening 11 greenery 12 Methods of Plant Propagation Meaning Types Merits Demerits Methods Cultivation of 13 fruits, apart from grapes, papaya cultivation 14 Fruit cultivation- Mango, Guava, Amla and Citrus fruits Production technology of 15 medicinal plants – Safed Musli, Isabgol Bach, Ashwagandha, Turmeric and Garlic. Cultivation of 16 commercial crops- Lemongrass, Khus, Citronella, Ratanjot and Mint. Animal Husbandry, Dairy Farming, Poultry Farming, Fisheries - Class 12th Syllabus Half Annual Exam 1. Diet and Nutrition-I 2 Food and Nutrition -II - Silage Whey 3 Equipment identification and use of veterinary medicine 4 Common Disease Classification of Animals, Hoof Crack Mouth Crack Animal Plague Disease 5. Common Diseases of Animals Lame Girl Goat Anthrax Throat 6 Examination of animals, meaning, objectives, methods, preparation of scoring sheet. 9 goat farming 10 sheep farming 11 Dairy products Cream, butter and ghee 12 Dairy Products 2 - Khowa Rabdi and Curd 13 Frozen Dairy Products – Ice Cream and Kulfi 14 - Condensed dairy products - milk powder and condensed milk

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