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CLASS 10 SCIENCE sample paper (Important for CLASS 10 SCIENCE half yearly exam practice)

 CLASS 10 SCIENCE sample paper

 (Important for CLASS 10 SCIENCE half yearly exam practice)

The possible syllabus for the half-yearly examination 2022-23 for CLASS 10 SCIENCE (विज्ञान) is as follows


  • chemical reactions and equations
  • acids, bases, salts
  • biological process
  • control and coordination
  • reflection and refraction of light
  • human eye and colorful world
  • Sources of Energy (Dropped for this session)
  • metals and nonmetals
  • carbon and its compounds
  • how do organisms reproduce

Chapter 7 - Diversity in Organisms

Chapter 5 Classification of Elements

Chapter 9 - Heredity and Evolution

Chapter 12 Electricity

Three experiments related to the above chapters

monthly exam

project work

Note - Questions are not likely to come from the deleted course

👉 Click this link to download Science Blueprint


                                          Will be asked Objective questions will be asked mainly in 4 types

1. Choose the correct option 08 marks

2. Write answer in one word/sentence 07 marks

3. Fill in the blanks 07 marks

Match 4 Correct Pairs 08 Marks

Apart from this, 12 questions of 2 marks, 3 questions of 3 marks and 3 questions of 4 marks will also be asked.

           mp board half yearly exam 2022-23

                          model question paper

                    CLASS 10 SCIENCE

Time-3.00 hours           Integer-75

Instructions:-1. It is compulsory to attempt all the questions.

  2. Question no. Internal options are given from 05 to 22.

3. Question no. Marks 01 to 04 are objective type questions. Separate marks are prescribed for each question.

4. Marks for each question are indicated against it.

5. Question no. Answer questions from 05 to 16 in 30-40 words each.

6.Question no. Answer questions 17 to 19 in about 75-80 words each.

7. Question no. Answer questions from 20 to 22 in about 120-130 words each.

Question 1. Write the correct option- 1×8 =8

i. A chemical reaction is determined when

   (A) change in state (B) change in color (C) change in temperature (D) all of the above

II. The chemical name of baking powder is

(a) Hydrochloric acid (b) Tartaric acid (c) Sodium hydrogen carbonate (d) Sulfuric acid

III. A billon reacts with ground egg shell to produce a gas which turns lime water milky. In this billon there will be -

   A. NaCl B. HCl C. LiCl D. KCl

iv. Which substance is used while applying plaster to join broken bones?

(a) Washing soda (b) Baking soda (c) Plaster of Paris (d) Brion

v. Which of the following properties is generally not displayed by metals?

(a) Conduction of electricity (b) Lack of brightness

(c) Tensile (d) Acoustic nature

vi. Which one converts fat into fatty acid

(A) Pepsin (B) Amylase

  (C) Lipase (D) Trypsin

VII. main thinking part of the brain

    A fore brain B hind brain C spinal cord D none of the above

VIII. reproduction in amoeba

A by binary fission B by budding C by multiple fission D all of the above

Question 2. Fill in the blanks - 1×7 = 7

The gas that burns with sin sound is --------------.

II. ------- acid is present in the sting of the herbal plant nettle.

iii. Sperm is produced in the human body in ------------

iv Total number of ______________ chromosomes are found in males.

v. The ------------------------ part of the human eye is donated in eye donation.

vi. The resistance of a wire is proportional to its length.

vii A homogeneous mixture of two or more metals is called 

Question 3. Match the correct pair 1×8 = 8

  A                       B  

i. sky blue - testosterone

ii substances participating in the chemical reaction - liver

iii. olfactory indicator - kerosene

iv Formula of bleaching powder - CaOCl2

  v sodium - onion

vi Urea formation - reactants

VII Master gland - Pituitary

VIII Male hormones - scattering

Question.4. Write answer in one sentence. 1×7 = 7

i. Why paint on iron objects?

II. The black layer on silver jewelery is made of what substance?

iii. The pH value of fresh milk is 6. What will be the change in its pH value when curd is formed?

iv. In what proportion is concentrated hydrochloric acid and concentrated nitric acid mixed in aqua regia?

v. Write the full name of DNA?

vi What is liquid connective tissue in humans?

        How is the image formed on the retina?

Question. 5. What is an exothermic reaction? (2)


        what is an endothermic reaction

Question.6. Why is respiration called an exothermic reaction? (2)


     What is a precipitation reaction action? Write an example?

Question 7. What is redox reaction called? (2)


    Why are packets of potato chips affected by nitrogen?

Question 8 What is amalgam (2)


Write the measures to prevent corrosion?

Question 9 What is called Bharjan? (2)


                 What is disposal?

Question 10 Write any two differences between soap and detergent? (2)


  what is kidwan


Question 11. What are covalent bonds called? How are they closed between organic compounds? (2)


      What is substitution reaction?

Question.12. What are saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons? (2)


   What is the role of saliva in human digestion.

Question.13. Write the full name of ATP, why is it called energy currency (2)


  Write two functions of placenta


Question 14: Why did Mendel choose pea plant for his experiment? (2  )


what is heredity

Question 15. Write the laws of reflection of light. 2


   Write two differences between diverging and converging lens

Question 16. Test the number of electrons in one coulomb charge 2


                     what is the meaning of electric circuit

Question 17. What is a balanced equation? Write a balanced equation. (3)


   When carbon dioxide gas is passed in lime water, then lime water becomes milky, why write a chemical equation.

Question 18: Explaining clearly what is myopia, give its reason and remedy (3)


  Explaining clearly what is farsightedness, give its cause and solution.

Question 19 Write the names and functions of any three endocrine glands found in humans? 3


  Which components of food are digested in the stomach in human beings? Write the names of auxiliary disorders in this.

Question 20 Under what circumstances does a farmer use quick lime, slaked lime or chalk in the soil of the field and why 4


What is milk of magnesia, write its formula and use

Question 21 Draw a labeled diagram of human heart 4


  Draw a labeled diagram of human excretory system

Question 22 What is allomorphism? Write the names and uses of any two upper forms of carbon. 4


  What are detergents, why are they used in making shampoos and laundry products?


1. Some grammatical errors are possible in the question paper and text material, please ignore them and take the efforts made in a positive way.

2 . Check and remember the site for model question paper, blue print, question bank, and practice paper for upcoming annual examination etc. of all other subjects of class 9th to 12th

Note- Students can practice this question paper well, along with it they can also prepare well whatever preparation they have done. To check your preparation, please write the answers of the above question paper in your copy or answer book by yourself and check those answers yourself with the help of your book and other material. This type of practice will surely give you not only semi Can get good marks in annual examination but also in annual examination.

In the above question paper, the syllabus till November 2022 has been taken, as well as it has not included the removed syllabus for this year, but by mistake, if any subject matter point or question is included in it, please do not take it otherwise. Because in the upcoming session 2023-24 you have to study from the complete syllabus and questions will be asked from that only.

For the preparation of class 9th to 12th examinations, keep visiting continuously and also inform your friends about it.

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